27 Oct Christian Formation for November 2016, Sundays at 9:15 a.m.
Come to the library on designated Sunday mornings from 9:15 – 10:10 AM for exploration of various aspects of living life as a Christian in today’s world. Fr. Ted Curtis will give a short presentation on the day’s topic, followed by group discussion.
November 6 — Fierce Conversations: This is a way to speak with one another with concision, clarity and charity especially in difficult situations.
November 13 — Memory: The Early Church’s, and Ours: New insights into the function and reliability of memory have important things to say about the apostles’ “eyewitness” accounts of the life of Jesus, as well as the narratives of our own lives.
November 20 (last Pentecost) — The Affront of the Incarnation: The Christian doctrine of the incarnation of God in Jesus of Nazareth was a theological scandal in the ancient world which has lost it’s ability to shock modern ears. Let’s get its edge back.
November 27 (1 Advent) — Homelessness in Wichita: A local expert in this accepted social phenomenon shares with us current realities and hopes on the horizon. Guest speaker: Barbara Andres, Executive Director of Episcopal Social Services.
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